Next Steps

Continue Your Journey With Christ


If you're interested in getting involved in serving at the JC, you're in the right place! Please fill out the information below so we can get to know you and which opportunities would be the best fit for you! 

It is not a requirement for you to believe in the Gospel to belong at the Journey Church. Wherever you are in your Journey, we are excited for you to join us as we grow together in community serving God and serving others.

Baptism/Child Dedication

Baptism represents physical burial and resurrection of Jesus. When we are immersed under water during baptism, we identify with Christ’s death on the cross, his burial in the tomb, and his resurrection from the dead. Baptism is a symbol of our connection with Jesus and the steps he took to bring us back into relationship himself. 

When parents make a public covenant with God in raising their children it is worth celebrating! That's what our Child Dedications are all about. Child Dedication is the promise by the parents and the church community to dedicate a child to grow in the knowledge and love of God.

Journey Groups

God designed us to grow in relationship with other people! 

Find a community of friends to encourage you as you pursue your faith together!