
Engagement and service within the community. We identify a need then empower the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus. This is important because others witness acts of kindness, which we hope they will emulate.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25: 40 
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1: 8 

The Agape Food Pantry

We are continuously collecting food items, at the Missions Table, for The Agape Food Pantry here in Chesapeake.  They need non-perishable items such as:  
Canned soup
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit
Pasta - Pasta sauce
Canned chicken
Crackers - Chips
Peanut butter - Jelly
Toilet paper - Paper towels
Toothbrushes - Toothpaste
Cleaning materials (Clorox wipes, windex, sponges, dish soap, etc.)
Feminine Hygiene Products

For more information, see their website:

The Fentress Giving Garden

We support the Fentress Giving Garden by harvesting, weeding and other garden chores.  

Volunteer hours are normally 8-10 AM Monday-Saturday and 5-7PM Tuesday and Thursday.

Location is the first dirt road immediately south of Centerville Baptist Church at 914 Centerville Rd.

The Giving Garden provides produce for 5 local food pantries.  

Anyone interested in helping out contact our garden lead, Steve Breland on the Giving Garden Slack channel #giving-garden.

More information here:

Pin Ministry

We are continuously collecting clothing for the homeless at our Missions Table.

We have opportunities for adults to feed and clothe the homeless at
PiN Mon-Fri 1-4PM, Sat 11:45 AM - 3:00 PM & Sun 12:30-2:30. Sign up page:
First Saturdays (Every Month): Adults and supervised children 10 and over can volunteer at PiN on the first Saturday of the Month 3-5 PM, sorting clothes, packing lunches and other “behind the scenes” work not in direct contact with the homeless.
We are starting a second Saturday (every other month, on odd months) at PiN for anyone wishing to personally feed and clothe the homeless.  We will serve from 12:00 PM through 3:00 PM. Coming in 15 minutes early helps us to open the doors at 12:00 PM.  We can serve the homeless in various roles:
-Service Desk: Help the homeless sign up for various services for the day and organize paperwork.
-Personal Shopper: Help them locate clothing in the proper sizes and gather hygiene supplies.
-Shower Moderator: Watch the timer and help the homeless get towels and hygiene supplies.
-Laundry: Help the homeless use washing machines.
-Server: Serve food at their tables and make sure their coffee stays full :)
The lunch we serve will be prepared by the Journey Church.  

We meet at 1164 Miller's Ln, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Contact Andrea Morris if you would like to participate.

Tidewater Friends of Foster Care

TFFC is committed to raising awareness of the needs of children in foster care and increasing the number of available foster family homes. They also work to provide enrichment programs that bridge the gap between what is available from public services and those elements that are essential to a healthy, happy and thriving childhood.
We partner with TFFC to provide Christmas and birthday gifts for children in foster care.

Use the following link to sign up for Christmas giving.  When filling out the form, there is a question that asks if you are participating as part of a group.   Please write “The Journey Church”.

Quick Contact Info:

[email protected]

journey-church-757.slack.com #Missions

Ready to serve in Missions?

Contact our Missions Ministry Leader, Rob Williams